Nothing new under the sun ... or almost
It is narrated that during the siege of Syracuse in 213 BC, Archimedes was able to defeat the fleet of the Roman general Marcello by using the energy of the sun. With a concave mirror made of hundreds metal shields that reflected sunlight, Archimedes directed the beam of energy on the enemy’s ships that caught fire.
This is clearly a myth, since at that time technologies could not produce those effects, but simply disturb and blind the crew and therefore preventing people from taking aim.
It is narrated that during the siege of Syracuse in 213 BC, Archimedes was able to defeat the fleet of the Roman general Marcello by using the energy of the sun. With a concave mirror made of hundreds metal shields that reflected sunlight, Archimedes directed the beam of energy on the enemy’s ships that caught fire.
This is clearly a myth, since at that time technologies could not produce those effects, but simply disturb and blind the crew and therefore preventing people from taking aim. However, it is a testimony of the awareness of the sun energy potential and the concentration of its rays.
Modern technologies made it possible to concentrate sun’s rays for energy production, using reflectors with distinctive shapes, made shiny and reflective by depositing thin metal layers using vacuum deposition processes.
Kolzer produces metallizing and sputtering machines of various sizes, provides the experience and know-how to obtain the reflectance characteristics and the durability necessary to transform your reflectors into real solar concentrators.